
IhavefoundPowerDirector9veryeasytoproducehighqualityvideoproductionswithverylittleeffort.PowerDirectorhastheabilitytoaddamazing ...,2023年12月25日—Create,edit,andenhanceyouraudiofileswithaprofessionalopen-sourcetool.,2024年3月10日—CyberLink'sPowerDirectorhasallthespeedandalltheadvancedfeaturesanenthusiastvideoeditorcouldwant.Features:,2010年12月3日—威力導演9採用全新的64位元引擎,若搭配64位元Wi...

Customer reviews

I have found Power Director 9 very easy to produce high quality video productions with very little effort. Power Director has the ability to add amazing ...

CyberLink PowerDirector 9.0 beta Download

2023年12月25日 — Create, edit, and enhance your audio files with a professional open-source tool.

CyberLink PowerDirector 9.0 Download (Free trial)

2024年3月10日 — CyberLink's PowerDirector has all the speed and all the advanced features an enthusiast video editor could want. Features:

CyberLink 威力導演9,64位元、GPGPU 齊加速

2010年12月3日 — 威力導演9採用全新的64位元引擎,若搭配64位元Windows 7家用版理論值最高可達16GB,對於業餘的玩家來說已綽綽有餘。而TrueVelocity技術,支援GPGPU的硬體 ...

PowerDirector 9

This section outlines the latest features within the CyberLink PowerDirector program. Workspace ! Timeline. - Add up to 100 video and audio tracks to the ...

World's First Native 64

2010年11月18日 — PowerDirector 9's new TrueVelocity rendering engine with native 64-bit OS support brings speed and efficiency to HD video editing.